Monday 23 April 2012

Rajin la pulak buat mee baksoo.....slurppp

Teringin nak makan mee bakso...but then the thought of buying or maybe searching for the nicest place who make this thing is excruciationg...especially when you are staying in an area where chinese is the majority patrons. So I decided to cook this myself. Went shoping in the morning and I saw this pack of meat balls Marina brand. So i thought..hmm...Allah leads the way...hahahha....lagi menguatkan semangat nak masak mee bakso. I'm not what the recipe is...but based from my cooking experience..I dont think it's that hard enjoy the view of my delicious mee bakso. My son loves this so much that he went for second..and same with me..huhuhuh..

Fried boiled quail's not suppose to be part of this recipe..but seems my stock of quail eggs were expiring soon, so i decided to just add in to the recipe..hahahah...taste nice though...

Innalillah...Al-Fatihah to arwah Ilmiah Ibrahim

On 10th of April, i've been shocked with sms from my HB saying that he had to go to Ipoh because his sister is in coma. I took half day off that day to make ourself to Ipoh to visit my SIL. When we arrived at the hospital, it was already too late and the visiting hours was over..since it's goverment hospital. All my in laws were present at that time so we decided to overnight there for tomorrow visitation.

Arwah is a lecturer at a local university in Seri Iskandar. She was in coma due to stroke. On the day when it happened, arwah was at home with her youngest daughter. Arwah only had 2 daughters. She felt sick that day and was having a bad headache. She was watching tv with her daughter at that time. It started off with failure of speech and she started having fits and was vomiting furiously. She was brought to nearby hospital first where the doctor had to clear her lung because she had swallowed her vomits. Her condition worsen and that she had to be sent to Ipoh Hospital for further medical reasons. Her blood pressure at that time was around 230. Arwah has had high blood since the past few years...and had been hospitalised few times because of this. So the stroke happened because there was a bleeding in her brain caused by high blood pressure which is so large that blood spills into the brain's ventricles causing an intraventricular hemorrhage, a condition which can result in life-threatening. So she had to undergo an operation to remove the blood in her brain. One after another complications persisted during and after the operation. Her brain was swollen because her heart was unstabled. Another operation was done by removing a portion of her skull to lower down the pressure. Unfortunately, with that kind of condition, she was declared brain dead and there's nothing can be done to save her life. She was kept stabilized with the help of life support machine.

On the 11th, we gathered in front of the ICU waiting for the 1pm visitation hours. Since she was in ISO room, only 2 person can go in per visit. Me and HB were the first 2 to enter when clock hit 1pm....and yes..the condition seems pretty bad.  

Vital decision was sought to stop the support machine and medicine. By 2pm, it was final and they have decided........only tears were streaming on each faces surrounding the ICU at that time....innalilah....

She was a dear sister in law to me. Always speaks in soft tone and true muslimah indeed...i will miss you my dear sis.

Kak Mi in memory 11.4.2012

Tuesday 3 April 2012


Ok..have not been updating my journal for a while...i think...for quite sometimes. So many things happened for the past few weeks. Bad and good, good and and parcels of our life. I've been tested by God so many times..uncounted..various occasions. Well i guess, when it comes towards your faithfullness and graciousness towards Allah, you will learn that each and everyone of us are treated human being...who are not "maksum"...we continue to do mistakes, in the search to find the truth and reasoning behind every actions. Me as a normal human being, my mission is not so much of being a perfect person, but to face comes what may in looking for "barakah" in my life. Nobody can do this for me except for myself.

So some of the goods that i can share here:

12.3.12: E-filling submitted to LHDN.
16.3.12: Finaly completed my root canal treament.
18.3.12: Hire 2 cleaners to finally cleaned up my entire cave..ahhahahaha...and after that..i feel so much at ease living in a clean cave.
19.3.12: Changed workstation due to excessive coldness in the old workstation. So now i get to sit next to the window pain which give me some warm and cozy environment to stay put with my work. :)
20.3.12: Purchase ipad2 online but not yet received.
22.3.12: Received my brand new ipad2 directly from China - with my desired engraving.  I should snap some photos of my ipad2 rite?! hehehehe

22.3.12: Receive bonus letter from my Boss...Yess...just the letter yeah.
23.3.12: Bonus in bank account...alhamdulilah..but the sad part was the deduction for EPF and Tax amount to nearly 1 month of the salary itself. Danggggg.....
23.3.12: Receive tax refund for tax paid in excess which was directly credited to my account.
26.3.12: Purchase Gucci Abbey Tote from at really2 good bargain.'s ORI!. I dont do replicas..tq. Hahahahha
27.3.12: Receive my and sound.. I LOIKKKEEE ITTT!!!!!

So yess..the gucci...although quite expensive i may to reward my self and also as a birthday present which i could not get from anyone else in my life..heheheh...alhamdulilah. Ada jugak rezeki tuhan bagi untuk merasa pakai handbag mahal. But i guess i won't do this often..i mean buying expensive branded handbag although the fact tha i'm a bagaholic...probably once a year is reasonable enuff...hahhahaha nak jugak kan??!!

Notice that I've been buying alot of things only reason is I dont really have time to go to shopping complexes to get whatever i desired. Furthermore, I'm not comfortable leaving my son alone with my husband just to went out shopping. Hehehehe...valid tak reason tu?

So if you can see...a lot of good things happened last month (March 12) it actually outweigh the bad things which rather not story in detail here.

But anyway, I took CIA xm, Part 2 last Friday (30th, March)...the result is i failed. I can list out all sorts of reasons for failing...but i rather not here. Just to realized the fact that i failed and have to repeat the paper in 6 months time.

And last Sunday (1st, April), was my 33th birthday. Had a lovely unofficial birthday lunch with Harraz, JJ and Sulong and her family at Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside the day before. The lunch was ok..not that great..but the atmosphere and the architecture building of the area really put my breath away. So i would like to share some snaps of the place...and huge credits to the architect for creating and building such a wonderful design for me to be amazed at.