Monday 23 April 2012

Rajin la pulak buat mee baksoo.....slurppp

Teringin nak makan mee bakso...but then the thought of buying or maybe searching for the nicest place who make this thing is excruciationg...especially when you are staying in an area where chinese is the majority patrons. So I decided to cook this myself. Went shoping in the morning and I saw this pack of meat balls Marina brand. So i thought..hmm...Allah leads the way...hahahha....lagi menguatkan semangat nak masak mee bakso. I'm not what the recipe is...but based from my cooking experience..I dont think it's that hard enjoy the view of my delicious mee bakso. My son loves this so much that he went for second..and same with me..huhuhuh..

Fried boiled quail's not suppose to be part of this recipe..but seems my stock of quail eggs were expiring soon, so i decided to just add in to the recipe..hahahah...taste nice though...

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