Wednesday 29 February 2012

Nothing..just nothing... has been a longggg time......long time since i last updated this blog. Nothing interesting happened actually. Yerla kan..I'm an auditor..what more interesting to report other than countless review on my audit assignments from d' CIA. Sometimes...i felt soooo tired..thinking ..just thinking how to close/wrap up just i small issue. Ended up going back home, feeling so restless to even talk to my HB or my dear hunnybunny. Most of the times, i ended up crawling to bed just when the clock hit that extent. Siighhhh....well..not good to "mengeluh" actually...but i felt a bit relief with just a bit of sigh....hmmm....

But still having toothache for the past 5 days. So yesterday, had to take another medical leave and revisit the dentist to sort the pain. So the doc had to re-drill my tooth and put a different type of my medicine. It was not abnormal actually for the recurring ache..that's what she told me lah..and she expected it because different people react differently to the medicine. So yes..she's putting something more extreme this time. Now i feel better...and work RESUMEE....erkkkk...

This Sunday, plan to visit my fren who had just gave birth to a cute baby girl. We will be having pot luck at her place. So i guess i need to plan for the menu to bring. Give me something to look forward to actually because...honestly I don't really go out that much..i mean socialising. Most of the time, i only went out to do some retail therapy alone...again...Sigghhh......So nak masak ape ekkk....I have few things in mind though -> tuna sandwich/custard puff pastry/bubur about trying some new recipes...Hmm...macam ok jugak tuh...but i dont want something too eggy or sweet though...hhmmm....ape ekk?!!

Thursday 23 February 2012

A sweet tooth I AMMMM..

So are the baking projects - considered successful for an amateur like me..hehehehe. Actually those are previous projects..time-time rajin la kan..and also at the time i feel so frustrated with dont know what..i will start flipping through tested recipes from famous blogger who cook with their heart and soul. Heheheh...credits to them actually. Actually if you notice, i already linked their blogs at the bottom right hand corner of this blog. So you guys can also copy the recipe from there...

Honestly, i only use recipes from those who already tried the recipe. Not blindly copying and tested the recipe first time..cos takut tak jadi actually...then ended up in my dustbin had happened me..
So just check it out ok..

Hokaiddo chiffon cupcake

Apam Polka Dot (dont really favor this went a bit hard once it's cold)

Some looks like batik..the rest succesful dot dot...hahaha

Strawberry, Manggo and Banana Pavlova...yg ni memang sangat sedappp...

I actually make the strawberry sauce from scratch...huhuhu

Another recipe of Red Velvet Cake On a Sunny Day

The red colour is soo....REDDD!!!

Steamed Chocolate Bundt Cake

Don't really like the chocolate topping though...i wnet off can say that it was one of my unsuccessful story. But other than that..i mean the was ok..


Had to take MC today. Have been postponing to see the dentist due to unstopable pain. So I decided to see another dentist near my place so that it will be easier for me to take mc in case i had to. Went in the morning, but the doctor was so busy to take further action and asked me to come back later at 3pm. So i did.

Really went for root canal decision at this point. Had to do the x-ray first to check on the root whether still ok or not. If not ok, then i should opt for pulling out. But seriously...tengah2 sakit macam ni...rasa macam nak cabut jer....tak tahan sangatttt.

So the procedure, she sedated the area first..surprisingly not that painful. Once the anaesthetic took effect, my upper and lower left side lips felt so freaking injecting botox...u don't know whether your face looks like smiling or frowning...hahahahah. But actually, luckily ada sedative tuh...if not...fuuuuuhhhhh i cannot imagine how the pain is going to be...SERIOUSLY...

So guess how much i kena charged??? RM700 for 1 molar root canal alone. Probably had to pay the dentist another round of a visit to finalize the agony of doing the root canal...which is in 2 weeks time....dangggg.....And now that the sedative had worn out,  the pain i tell you...even worst..seems like the pain killer does not really work for how now??? Can i sleep or not tonite...Oouccchhhh ouchhhh.....

But anyway, while waiting for my evening appointment tadi.. and dalam sakit2 gigi tuh, sempat la jugak buat simple desert...So...check it out...

Had to cut the 4x4 inch puff pastry to another 4 pcs due to lower stock in my fridge...kihkihkih

Custard and blueberry puff pastry...

Monday 20 February 2012

I Love Baking.....Time Rajin la kan....

Before i started baking, i never thought that i can bake fact, even if i can, i never thought that i would LOVE baking. I think because Umi always baked back at home, so seeing her so engrossed with baking, i felt tired just looking at her. That's why i don't really bake. Then i accidentally bought (don't ask me how..hehehe) this oven from Kitchen Queen Italy. It was not really a big oven but it's a convection+microwave oven. The function, the way i see it is pretty basic..just for cooking simple food and reheating frozen food :-) Here is how the oven looks like..

See..i told you there's nothing fantastic about this oven. But i manage to bake wonderful cakes and pastry inside here. But that does not slash the desire to buy bigger bult-in oven ok?!..hehehe

So i started my baking adventure with the oven by cooking simple chocolate cake.

My Hunnybunny..forever and always be...

My hunny bunny is so big now....and schooling already. It's hard to tell it here...I think i'll go emo-emo talking about you. Weird to feel that even though u r still small, i talk about grown up things with you..Probably because I don't really have anyone to talk to about what I really+really feel... Thanks for listening dear, eventhough i know you don't understand grown up matters yet. But i hope you will always be my ears when I'm sad or happy...


Didn't get the chance to update my blog yesterday. Was so busy with work and going back, the journey was not that pleasant also. I set an appointment to do facial with Herbaline at 6.30 pm, but stuck at parking ramp for ages...then stuck at ever famous "Persimpangan Kewajipan" ber jam-jam...hadooiiii.... Then bumper to bumper crawl plak  kat Kesas that force me into using the emergency lane cos i was trying to catch my 6.30. Then suddenly i saw what had caused Kesas so damn jamned - a trailer had overturned in the middle lane...Arrrgghhh.....Stressnyer....
The Herbaline consultant called me and i had to tell her that if i couldnt make it by 7 then just cancel my appointment....SUDAHNYERRR...I DIDN'T MAKE IT lerr... What to do, God's decision override our plan...mesti ada hikmah kan...oklahh...tried to comfort myself.

So anyway....i went to see a dentist at Jalan Kg. Attap earlier this morning. Had been having tooth ache for the past 2 days. So told Dr. Vanitha what's my problem and she gave me two options:-

 Option 1: Root Canal; and

do crowning; or

Option 2: pull out the tooth...(of which will make the area a vacant lot (not a pleasant view/thought..))

But seems my tooth area is in pain due to infection, the doctor cannot perform either one of the above and had to prescribe me antibiotics..until next Wednesday with my decision for Option 1 or 2.

However, towards the end of the check-up, i ended up doing "teeth scaling"..hahahah

The charges for scaling is not that cheap ok?!! It cost me RM120 (plus consultancy and meds). Hadoii...tak pasal2 incurred cost for this plak. Niat asal nak cabut jer actually. Huhuhu...

So balik semalam habislah aku mengoogle segala mak nenek about scaling, root canal, crowning and pulling teeth. How now?? Nak kena sembahyang istikahrah ker...Arrggghhhh....

Saturday 18 February 2012

Lawatan Sambil Belajar..(Sangat...)

I slept early last nite..thinking back, I didnt do anything super energy consuming yesterday, except for walking from my office to Central Market for a long lunch (since it's Friday langkah pon panjang la sket). At 9pm, mata dah takleh bukak. As soon finished praying Isya', went downstairs..trying hard to watch tv, but it seems like the TV watched me. So yes..i decided to climb upstairs and continue my slumber on my ever comforting bed...

Waking up, feeling MALAS to even clean the house, dumped all the dirty clothes inside the washer, washed some "over-stacking expired" dishes..hahahah... Had homemade burger (had been craving for that lately)..sipping my over-comforting nescafe while watching series and series of korean drama (Three Sister)..hahaha...back to butt just stuck to the sofa like glued..hahahah.

Harraz woke up at 10.30 am after i shouted from the top of my lung..but as usual HB woke up later in the afternoon..leaving me feeling "sakit hati"(which often happened lately..i mean feeling sakit hati). Well...let's not talk about this here rite...

Anyway, i was planning to visit this place called "2decoratecakes" - a place where all A-Z baking supplies are sold for baking lovers...Planning to visit yesterday, but since yesterday was Friday and how everybody always exaggerates that the traffic is going to be massive at any part of Klang Valley, i decided not to go there after work . So since got nothing to do this evening, and feeling like a tunggul even though everybody was at home, i went up to change and brought Harraz along with me to check out the place. Funny thing was, dropped by at Kenny Rogers (Giant Kota Damansara) for lunch  and i was freaking determined to use my coupon there, however..unfortunately i left my purse at home...hahahah...tuhla...sakit hati lagi...Tuhan dah tunjuk...kekekeke... So yes, my IC is inside there, but not my driving license since it's already in the car. And my CARDS>segala mak nenek cards la kan....PERRGHHHH!!!! Nasib baik la ade selonggok cash i letak kat tempat lain. At that time i was thinking..musnahlah harapan nak menagkap di laut dalam kalau takde card2 tuh...kekekek.... RELIEFF..GULP GULP GULP....

So here are some snap shots of the place -> a place so called heaven to bakers aka baking lovers...segala mak nenek ada kat sini. This place that i went is situated at Sunway Damansara..and Here is the link ..

  Rear view of the shop

Front view of the shop

They also sell cupcakes...pretty ones of course

Now...lets see what they have inside..which had made me go crazy..kihkihkih. Poor harraz had to follow his coockoo ibu around the shop kazellion time before making final purchase..kekekekek.

 Silicone Cake Mold

 Various Shapes of Stainless Steel Cake Mold

 Express Mold


 Chocolate Lollipop Mold (they also have the lollipop sticks)

 More chocolate/candy/cake silicone mold

 Paper Cups
 Cake decos (beads/pearls etc)

 Flavorings and Colorings

Off the Shelf Ready made Flower Gum paste

Ready Made Fondant Cake Decos
And now...let's see what i "tangkap" for my self indulgence...hahahahah if I'm going to RAJINly(my new vocab..kihkihkih) icing my cake all the time.

 This is the first time i ever found this is how it looks like huh....if everytime nak beli krimwell nak kena drive pegi Kota Damansara, memang massaaakkkkk....
And for the rest of the item..I don't know when I'm going to use this..but I think I'll be glad if i ever decide to do it, the stuff is already in store..huhuhu..

Kata Pembuka Bicara :)

Don't know why..feel empty and lonely. So i decided to start blogging. At least it give me something to look forward to and divert my attention from my emptiness. So i hope with this, if i died before my husband and my son or the rest of my immediate family, at least they have something to look into sebagai kenang-kenangan..knowing that probably i didnt give a big impact to them not i put my highs and lows also here. Kalau kat sekolah dulu, we call this keeping a journal..tapi tuh pon malas nak update. Bila cikgu mintak nak check baru kelam kabut reka crite kat dlm journal tuh..hahahha....(down tomemory lane).

So yess...anyway...refering to the title of this's because i am positively sure that i will only do things when i am RAJIN (in other word..NOT LAZY)..hahahaha. Everything that I, baking, painting, craftworks, doing laundry (from wash+drying+folding), housekeeping or even washing solely depends on my mood..RAJIN or MALAS. Kalau rajin i buatlah. Kalo dah malas...tak payah suroh2, memang i takkan buat..hahahah. Same goes with updating this blog..OK?!! Heheheh...

So of my biggest passion is photography especially on flora aka flowers...I'm not that pro in taking photos anyway..but who harm in capturing things that fascinate your senses and admiring Allah's creation. Whatever I do, I just want peace in my soul for as long as I'm living...