Thursday 23 February 2012


Had to take MC today. Have been postponing to see the dentist due to unstopable pain. So I decided to see another dentist near my place so that it will be easier for me to take mc in case i had to. Went in the morning, but the doctor was so busy to take further action and asked me to come back later at 3pm. So i did.

Really went for root canal decision at this point. Had to do the x-ray first to check on the root whether still ok or not. If not ok, then i should opt for pulling out. But seriously...tengah2 sakit macam ni...rasa macam nak cabut jer....tak tahan sangatttt.

So the procedure, she sedated the area first..surprisingly not that painful. Once the anaesthetic took effect, my upper and lower left side lips felt so freaking injecting botox...u don't know whether your face looks like smiling or frowning...hahahahah. But actually, luckily ada sedative tuh...if not...fuuuuuhhhhh i cannot imagine how the pain is going to be...SERIOUSLY...

So guess how much i kena charged??? RM700 for 1 molar root canal alone. Probably had to pay the dentist another round of a visit to finalize the agony of doing the root canal...which is in 2 weeks time....dangggg.....And now that the sedative had worn out,  the pain i tell you...even worst..seems like the pain killer does not really work for how now??? Can i sleep or not tonite...Oouccchhhh ouchhhh.....

But anyway, while waiting for my evening appointment tadi.. and dalam sakit2 gigi tuh, sempat la jugak buat simple desert...So...check it out...

Had to cut the 4x4 inch puff pastry to another 4 pcs due to lower stock in my fridge...kihkihkih

Custard and blueberry puff pastry...

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