Wednesday 29 February 2012

Nothing..just nothing... has been a longggg time......long time since i last updated this blog. Nothing interesting happened actually. Yerla kan..I'm an auditor..what more interesting to report other than countless review on my audit assignments from d' CIA. Sometimes...i felt soooo tired..thinking ..just thinking how to close/wrap up just i small issue. Ended up going back home, feeling so restless to even talk to my HB or my dear hunnybunny. Most of the times, i ended up crawling to bed just when the clock hit that extent. Siighhhh....well..not good to "mengeluh" actually...but i felt a bit relief with just a bit of sigh....hmmm....

But still having toothache for the past 5 days. So yesterday, had to take another medical leave and revisit the dentist to sort the pain. So the doc had to re-drill my tooth and put a different type of my medicine. It was not abnormal actually for the recurring ache..that's what she told me lah..and she expected it because different people react differently to the medicine. So yes..she's putting something more extreme this time. Now i feel better...and work RESUMEE....erkkkk...

This Sunday, plan to visit my fren who had just gave birth to a cute baby girl. We will be having pot luck at her place. So i guess i need to plan for the menu to bring. Give me something to look forward to actually because...honestly I don't really go out that much..i mean socialising. Most of the time, i only went out to do some retail therapy alone...again...Sigghhh......So nak masak ape ekkk....I have few things in mind though -> tuna sandwich/custard puff pastry/bubur about trying some new recipes...Hmm...macam ok jugak tuh...but i dont want something too eggy or sweet though...hhmmm....ape ekk?!!

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