Saturday 18 February 2012

Kata Pembuka Bicara :)

Don't know why..feel empty and lonely. So i decided to start blogging. At least it give me something to look forward to and divert my attention from my emptiness. So i hope with this, if i died before my husband and my son or the rest of my immediate family, at least they have something to look into sebagai kenang-kenangan..knowing that probably i didnt give a big impact to them not i put my highs and lows also here. Kalau kat sekolah dulu, we call this keeping a journal..tapi tuh pon malas nak update. Bila cikgu mintak nak check baru kelam kabut reka crite kat dlm journal tuh..hahahha....(down tomemory lane).

So yess...anyway...refering to the title of this's because i am positively sure that i will only do things when i am RAJIN (in other word..NOT LAZY)..hahahaha. Everything that I, baking, painting, craftworks, doing laundry (from wash+drying+folding), housekeeping or even washing solely depends on my mood..RAJIN or MALAS. Kalau rajin i buatlah. Kalo dah malas...tak payah suroh2, memang i takkan buat..hahahah. Same goes with updating this blog..OK?!! Heheheh...

So of my biggest passion is photography especially on flora aka flowers...I'm not that pro in taking photos anyway..but who harm in capturing things that fascinate your senses and admiring Allah's creation. Whatever I do, I just want peace in my soul for as long as I'm living...

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